
Thursday, 27 March 2014

World of Cross Stitching 215

Another Cross Stitching publication for March 2014! I am extremely happy with this one, and I never would have thought my picture would have been on the front cover! I had to do a double take when I saw it, kind of like "Oh hey she looks familiar, oh wait, that's me!!" (and my pattern is in the top right corner). Technically this makes me a cover I right? ;)

World of Cross Stitch 215
The magazine has my Spring Time Street Scene in it as well as a profile on me.

WOXS 215 Spring Time Street Scene by Shannon Wasilieff
Ruth is amazing to work with and I am so thankful she has seen potential in me to work with! More designs will be coming in the future months, but that's all I can say for now.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Shannon Wasslieff

On Friday I was finally published, too bad my last name was spelt wrong with an s in place of an i...Oh well, my family and I had a good laugh about it. It was so close but to be fair it is a hard name to spell. We have lost count over the years with the creative spellings of the name! I am just happy to finally say I am a published designer :)

Cross Stitch Collection issue 234
Isn't it beautiful? I love the fabric they decided to stitch it on. It really makes the colours pop! There are a lot of beads, hence the name, but those beads add a lot of extra detail to the piece that makes it special.

Cross Stitch Collection issue 234

Friday, 7 March 2014

Easter Egg Cross Stitching Project

Easter and spring are my favorite time of year, not just because the snow is melting but because of all of the pretty colours...and it is my birthday season! Nothing says spring time more than the pretty pastel colours. Dyeing eggs has got to be my favorite activity to do when we approach Easter and with that in mind I designed this Easter Egg Cross Stitch Pattern.

2014 Easter Egg by Shannon Wasilieff
I had some hand dyed fabric I had dyed last year but then decided it was too bright and busy for any patterns I had in mind. So there it sat in the fabric bin to be forgotten about until I designed this pattern. Originally it was going to be done on white with pretty colours but I figured I was over thinking it and went with an overall white on a coloured fabric. I also thought the same pattern could be stitched with a hand dyed floss on a white fabric to give it a different look.

I am going to design some others similar to this eventually so I can have a basket of eggs to put out come spring time.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Exciting News!!

I have some really exciting news with what I have been busy doing the past few months. This March I am being published in two cross stitch magazines! The first one is Cross Stitch Collection April 2014 (issue 234). This issue has my cake stand wedding sampler in. It also includes a matching gift tag and alphabet. The preview is in the bottom left hand corner of the cover. This magazine is for sale this coming Friday!

Cross Stitch Collection Issue 234 April 2014
And the next pattern is in The World of Cross Stitching! My Spring Time Street Scene is being published in issue 215 out in stores on March 27. This pattern is a companion piece to my Gingerbread House Street Scene as it has the same dimensions and house idea.

World of Cross Stitching Issue 215 March 27
So I am VERY excited to finally be published. It has been a while and now I can finally start showing and telling people the exciting news. I hope those of you who stitch my pieces enjoy them and please share your work with me if you end up stitching them, I love to see work in progress pictures and any changes you may make to them to make them your own!