
Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Rose Alphabet Sampler

Spring into Spring and Summer with this delightful new cross stitch pattern that is sure to put a spring into your stitch.

Rose Alphabet Sampler (c) Shannon Wasilieff 2015

This contemporary art deco cross stitch alphabet sampler pattern uses fresh feminine colours intended to brighten up your day. Each letter is decorated with its own arrangement of flowers and butterflies or hummingbird.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Spring Baby

Spring time always makes me think of babies, not because I want one right now, but because spring is the starting point of the cycle of life. And thus flowers are blooming, colour comes back into our lives and cute little animals are brought into the world to start the life cycle all over again.

Welcome a new baby into the world with this brightly coloured cross stitch design.

(c) Shannon Wasilieff 2015 Welcome Spring Baby
It can be stitched as a card or a wall hanging or a label for the front of a baby album, the possibilities are endless to make a special gift that will be cherished for many years to come as an heirloom.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Wishing Well Cross Stitching

The latest issue of The World of Cross Stitching issue 226 contains another chart of mine. This time around we have a carved stone wishing well that is surrounded by hummingbirds and flowers. It has a fairy tale feeling to it without being too obvious.

(c) The World of Cross Stitching issue 226, 2015 Designed by (c) Shannon Wasilieff

Fairy Tale Cross Stitch

I am happy to let you all know that the Fairy Tale gift set that was featured in The World of Cross Stitching October 2014 issue 220 will be available for purchase on my Etsy site in the next day or so. I am just transferring the pattern into my new program to allow for easier reading of the pattern.

I am also working on a new alphabet for spring that will be released in the next few weeks on my Etsy site. Here is a little sneak peek!