
Saturday, 6 June 2015

The Garden Fairy

With a little down time this month I have been able to work on a new pattern for my Etsy shop! We bought a bunch of flowers a few weeks ago and it inspired this idea for a garden fairy who prances around the garden planting flowers and seeds.

Garden Fairy ©Shannon Wasilieff 2015
She is full of beads and has hints of Kreinik #4 braid in her. She will definitely glisten and dance in the light. I am going to stitch her on Aerial by Picture This Plus.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Fantasy SAL 2015

I just want to let you all know there is a new free cross stitch SAL going on in my Facebook group at the moment (Here) The theme is fairytale and fantasy and with this theme it involves a lot of beads and sparkle.

The first block is a princess. I designed her with Cinderella in mind so she is wearing a classic blue princess dress and her hair in an up-do, which are both often associated with her.

©Shannon Wasilieff 2015 Fantasy SAL
Also did I mention that there are a lot of beads in this SAL?...I went a little crazy, oh well!

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Spring Has Sprung

It is really nice waking up to the fresh air of the early morning. The pink blossoms are starting to show on the trees and the grass is turning into a lush green. It is still cool out so it is enjoyable and comfortable to go outside. Spring has definitely sprung in my area, which inspired me to stitch up a motif from my Rose Alphabet last night.
(c) Shannon Wasilieff 2015, Motif from Rose Alphabet

The Snow Queen

Even though it is spring time, my mind is stuck in the winter months when it comes to designing cross stitch patterns. My latest cross stitch design is this Snow Queen who prances around in the sky while creating the falling snow.
(c) Shannon Wasilieff 2015, Snow Queen
She is covered in Kreinik and Mill Hill beads and is stitched using DMC threads. I am currently waiting on some hand dyed fabric so I can stitch the model of her to show off all of the beads and sparkle.

She is currently available on my Etsy site.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Kanavice 38

I am excited to announce that I am published in another cross stitch magazine. The magazine is a Turkish publication by Tuva Publishing called Kanavice. I am in the current issue 38 with this cute little English cottage.
English Cottage (c) Shannon Wasilieff 2015

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Garden Shed Cross Stitch Patterns

In a few days the latest edition of The World of Cross Stitching issue 228 will be hitting the shelves and my latest cross stitch designs will be in them. This month I have designed 3 garden sheds, 1 for every stage of gardening. The planting, the growing and the enjoying stages!

(C) The World of Cross Stitching issue 228 2015 (c) Shannon Wasilieff 2015
Each garden shed contains a colourful pallet of DMC threads. There is also a few little critters hidden within the designs. The kitties were inspired by 2 cats I look after, chirping at the birds in the windows with their tails quivering being driven crazy that they can't go and catch those humming birds.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Anne Boleyn Cross Stitch Pattern

My latest project is studying faces in cross stitch patterns. I want to design some gorgeous lady cross stitch designs but I know that the face has a lot to do with the overall finish of the design. I know for me, if the face doesn't look correct or pretty in a pattern it kind of turns me off of stitching it, or I try to change it to fit with the pattern so I am happy with it.

My first cross stitch pattern that I have designed is Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII second wife. I tried giving her a slim, long face and I came up with this cross stitch portrait :
I even included her iconic B necklace and pearls. She is of course adorned in beads and metallic threads to show her status.
Anne Boleyn Portrait (c) Shannon Wasilieff 2015
The pattern can be found on my Etsy site here: LastingAllure

Monday, 16 March 2015

Cinderella is Done

I can finally say I am done the stitching on my Heaven and Earth Design Cinderella by Ruth Sanderson (retired). The design is full cross stitches 2 over 1 on 18 count fabric. Took roughly 3 years to stitch, working on her on again and off again.
Artwork by (c)Ruth Sanderson, Cross Stitched by Shannon Wasilieff
I am going to give her a bath once I have some free time and plan on adding a few beads to it as well as some back stitching. She is going to be an elaborate oil painting style frame and is going to hang in my bedroom by my hanging lamp chandelier once I have painted my room a light periwinkle.

My next Heaven and Earth Design  pattern is Faery 2 by Nadia Strelkina.
Artwork by Nadia Strelkina, Pattern by Heaven and Earth Designs
I currently have 800 stitched into it already. I have a lot of commission work to do though so she is put aside for now. Stitching her on 18 count fabric 2 over 1 again.

Carousel Horse Cross Stitch Designs

These beautiful carousel horse cross stitch designs are currently available in issue 227 of The World of Cross Stitching. They contain some Kreinik #4 braid that adds some sparkle to the designs. Some people have exchanged the Kreinik French knots with beads and they look equally as stunning. I have seen a few stitched on hand dyed fabric and that just adds an even more whimsical feeling to them.

(c) The World of Cross Stitching issue 227, 2015 Designed by (c) Shannon Wasilieff
There are 6 different designs. I think they would look gorgeous stitched together and made into a wall hanging quilt. Or you could flip 3 of them so they are all going the same way and stitch them in a long strip and make it into a 3D decorative pillow or put them around a round box.

The World of Cross Stitching issue 227, Designed by (c) Shannon Wasilieff, 2015

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Rose Alphabet Sampler

Spring into Spring and Summer with this delightful new cross stitch pattern that is sure to put a spring into your stitch.

Rose Alphabet Sampler (c) Shannon Wasilieff 2015

This contemporary art deco cross stitch alphabet sampler pattern uses fresh feminine colours intended to brighten up your day. Each letter is decorated with its own arrangement of flowers and butterflies or hummingbird.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Spring Baby

Spring time always makes me think of babies, not because I want one right now, but because spring is the starting point of the cycle of life. And thus flowers are blooming, colour comes back into our lives and cute little animals are brought into the world to start the life cycle all over again.

Welcome a new baby into the world with this brightly coloured cross stitch design.

(c) Shannon Wasilieff 2015 Welcome Spring Baby
It can be stitched as a card or a wall hanging or a label for the front of a baby album, the possibilities are endless to make a special gift that will be cherished for many years to come as an heirloom.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Wishing Well Cross Stitching

The latest issue of The World of Cross Stitching issue 226 contains another chart of mine. This time around we have a carved stone wishing well that is surrounded by hummingbirds and flowers. It has a fairy tale feeling to it without being too obvious.

(c) The World of Cross Stitching issue 226, 2015 Designed by (c) Shannon Wasilieff

Fairy Tale Cross Stitch

I am happy to let you all know that the Fairy Tale gift set that was featured in The World of Cross Stitching October 2014 issue 220 will be available for purchase on my Etsy site in the next day or so. I am just transferring the pattern into my new program to allow for easier reading of the pattern.

I am also working on a new alphabet for spring that will be released in the next few weeks on my Etsy site. Here is a little sneak peek!

Monday, 5 January 2015

New Pattern!

I have a new cross stitch pattern out this month in The World of Cross Stitching issue 225 (on sale now in England). It is a baby sampler with the baby poem "Babies Don't Keep" and includes an antique style baby pram in the pattern.
© The World of Cross Stitching magazine (issue 225), Immediate Media Co Bristol,
It has been suggested that the pram could be stitched on its own as a baby card or a quick gift for a friend. I also stitched this one myself, so although I wasn't updating frequently I was stitching, just couldn't share it until now.

I can't wait to show you all my future designs as I am really excited for some that are upcoming!