
Thursday, 16 February 2012

Converting a Picture into a Cross Stitching

The other week my friend messaged me on Facebook telling me she was having problems converting a photo into a cross stitching. She knew I was working on converting my paintings and designs into cross stitch patterns to sell so she asked me if I could convert the photo into a cross stitching for her mother.

The photo was of her mother's mom's dog who had just passed away. I grew up with this family friend and I knew this dog since she was a little puppy so I couldn't say no! Well it took me about 3 hours of tweaking and trying to lessen the amount of confetti stitches to get it to the point where I was happy with it and more importantly where my friend's mother was happy with the outcome. Here is the digital mock up of the pattern:

There are no fractional stitches in it and only a little back stitching for the mouth area to help her little mouth stand out a little more. There is a total of 27 colors in the pattern and it only measures approximately 8x9 inches if done on 14 count.

I can't wait to see the finished product stitched up and to hear the review from the long time family friend. She seemed extremely pleased with the finished pattern and happy that I included blown up areas for easy reading!

If anyone else is interested in getting a photo converted into a cross stitch pattern (copyright infringement free of course!) feel free to drop me a message and we can go from there. I do charge for my services but I will not stop making the pattern until my customers are 100% happy with the finished product.

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