
Sunday, 27 May 2012

Another Finish! Well Kind of!

I came across this cross stitch kit in the storage room yesterday. My nan had originally given it to me about 8 years ago since she was never going to get around to doing it. Well I plan on surprising her again with another finished cross stitching to hang in her house. The kit is called "Vintage Shoes" and it is a Bucilla cross stitch kit.

For those of you who don't know my nan or have never been in her house you would find that this cross stitching would fit right in with her style. She has cabinets full of gorgeous beaded purses and little shoes and so many other things that sparkle and glitter. It never ceases to amaze me every time I go to visit her, I am constantly noticing new things every time I go and look. I now realize where I get my obsession with sparkles and girly stuff from!

Anywho this is how far I have gotten:

The shoe is completely finished. It is done on 28 count off white I think and done 2x2. Took me just under a day to do it. It probably would have taken less time if I didn't have to go and hunt in my DMC stashes to make sure I sorted the threads into the right colors for the pattern. I eventually ditched about half of the threads in the kit because I couldn't be bothered anymore trying to figure out what was what and just used this handy tool: Floss Conversion Chart to help me figure out the right floss colors from my personal stash for my project.

I am thinking of stitching up these three shoes as individual pieces as well to either give one each to my aunties or just have three I can hang up in a room together. But we shall see if I lose interest in the idea once this one is completed.


  1. That's a great design! Your nan and your aunties wil be very pleased with such a present.

  2. Thank you very much. I am really enjoying stitching this project up. :)

  3. Love your shoe! This is a really gorgeous design :o) We have some dinky shoes in our china cabinet - my hubby's mother had a small shoe ornament collection that hubby got when she passed away. Every now and then we add to it!! I like your idea of stitching them for your Aunts :o), but then again stitching them for yourself would be lovely too....

    Thank you for being a new follower on my blog :o)

  4. Aww that's sweet of you to keep adding to her collection! I just love the look of the shoes. I am sure it is a very pretty collection yo have :)

    No problem, your stitching is gorgeous! And thank you for following mine :)

  5. Stunning shoe! Stunning project! She'll be so surprised!

  6. Stunning shoe! Stunning project! She'll be so surprised!
