
Monday, 9 September 2013

September Free SAL Section 2

For all of those who are participating in the September Free Stitch Along here is section #2. I am releasing it a day early since I will be out of commission for a few days due to wisdom teeth surgery tomorrow. If you have any questions I will try my best to answer them as soon as I can.

Section #2 of "Tiny Autumn Sampler" Copyright Lasting Allure Designs
In this section you will be stitching a Satin Stitch in the empty spaces between your cross stitching. A satin stitch can be worked in many other shapes, it is a stitch used for filling in areas. You will be using 2 threads for this area. Here is a diagram of how you will work this stitch:

Square Satin Stitch Diagram
 The lines in the diagram above represent the threads of your fabric in the area (When you're cross stitching you're counting up 2 and over 2 but for this step forget about that rule). When you have finished the stitch it will be the same size as your 2x2 blocks of cross stitching. You will start in the 1 position and bring your needle down to position 2. Then you will bring your needle up through position 3 and down to position 4. Then up through position 5 and down to position 6 and so on until you finish filling in the blocks.

Your piece should now look something like this: